colourful metal protea wall art

Metal Protea artwork - "Transformed"

My metal Protea artwork was created in March 2021 and is an original, one-of-a -kind artwork

This metal protea wall art piece is quite meaningful. to me, and I though I'd give an explanation behind the colours and symbolism:

Firstly, the background of this metal artwork was engraved and features lots of patterns and lines that are all connected. This to me represents life and the people, circumstances and experiences that make up our lives.

The embossed metal circles represent totality, wholeness, infinity and eternity. In this piece, the circles connect the different parts of the design and emphasize the inter-connectedness and interdependence of creation.

The metal Protea flower symbolises Diversity, Courage, Boldness and Transformation.

I coloured the different sections with alcohol ink.

Green is the colour of life, renewal and energy, associated with growth, harmony and new beginnings.

Blue is the colour of the sky and ocean and is associated with depth and stability. It symbolises truth, peach, tranquillity and the presence of God.

Purple is the colour of nobility, spirituality, creativity and wisdom. It inspires, uplifts and encourages.

Yellow is the colour of sunshine, hope and happiness and represents positivity, clarity and energy.

This round metal Protea wall artwork measures 30x30cm and is ready to hang

If you would like any further information, please email me at or visit

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Close-up photos of "Transformed" - metal Protea wall art

Colourful Metal Protea

Round metal protea wall art

Close-up detail of metal protea art

Artist Ninette Kruger with the colourful metal protea artwork

Original Metal Protea wall art

Ninette explains the symbolism and meaning of the colours in this piece

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